Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Love Cats!

I am definitely a cat person.  I have loved cats for a long time.

My mom said that this must have been a neighbour's cat, since we didn't have a cat when we lived in Winnipeg. But just look how much it loved me!

My family moved to Steinbach when I was 6. Then we had a dairy farm near Steinbach for four years. We had lots and lots of cats there, but apparently never took pictures of them. We also had lots of puppies.

(Right - me with 12 puppies.
    Left - me on my horse, Rusty)

We also had two horses for a year or two.

Here I am on my horse Rusty. I was terrified of horses. I rode her once. This is the 'before' picture, while my Dad was holding the reins. I don't remember who took this picture, but I guess no one took an 'after' picture of me with my dislocated shoulder. My apologies to any horse lovers who might be reading this, but horses are not one of the critters I have loved.

This fluff ball was one of our first cats after Derek and I were married. Her name was Muffin. We had to give her away when Kalene had some allergy problems. Unfortunately, Kalene's allergies  didn't go away after we gave away the cat, but our household was catless until we got Mittens and Heidi. (next blog)

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