Welcome to the Cutest Olympic Event Ever:
The Itty Bitty Kitty Olympic Games!
We begin this year's events with the Tandem Nordic Boot Pull. Beautiful coordination - nicely done!
And then, coming in from the cold, the Three Kitten Snuggle Pile. Hey, get that nose in, Frodo! Your team could be disqualified if the judges can see where one kitten ends and the next one begins.
Here we have the ever popular Three Kitten Line up - just look at those ears all perked up and in formation. Better watch those hindquarters there, girls. The judges will be watching for tails neatly tucked in.
Oh dear! The Five Kitten Cheerleading Squad is having some trouble with the pyramid position. This squad has been lacking in cooperation today. We hope they will be back next year in finer form.
Now for the event we have all been waiting for: the 1.5 meter pant leg climb! Just look at that concentration! Determination! Digging those little claws in!
And that's it for this year's Kitten Olympics. Thank you for tuning in.